As you already now traffic is the key to monetizing your website. One way to get your traffic faster when you are starting with a website is to get listed into search engines fast!
I'm going to tell you how to get into google search engine in only two days. Forget about paying hundred of dolars to get into google search engine. Surley you've comed across websites that say they will list your website in google results in one week and that you'll be in the first 10. This is only partially true, you may be in the first 10 but for low traffic keywords.
My way to get into google in two days is only for websites and NOT for blogs or forums.
Where do you start?
Well lets assume your website is 100% done and ready. So you've uploaded your website to your host and from this point you need to do the following thing in order to get into google search engine in two days!
1. Make a submition attack
Surley you've asked yourself is it better to submit your website to search engines or wait to be automaticly indexed. Well don't think any more, submit your website and submit it good.
You need to "spam" search engines and website submition websites
So go on all of this pages and submit your website:
2. Digg-spam your website
Go and add every(or at least as much as you can) page or article of your website to Digg, del.icio us, yahoo directory and similar websites/directories.
3. Spamvertise your website
This means to go on every forum, union or any other place where you can insert your website link and start making threads or posts with your website link. Make sure you start a similar thread as your website content so it doesent look to obvious or you may be breaking some websites, forums guidelines and polices. Also add a link to your forum signature. It would be a lot better if you can add your website link to some website or forum that has PR6 or above google rank!
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