Here are some agloco news and updates about the viewbar and website!
Curently the Agloco website is down but their blog in still online so it remains to be seen whats the deal. Anyways today is 15 April one day from the scheduled agloco viewbar release but it seems that the viewbar will be postponed.
Viewbar details:
The Download Process: Agloco will be releasing the Viewbar first to Members who joined first. Currently, the plan is to have the Viewbar first be available to Members with ID#s beginning in BBBB to BBBF (as well as Members with an ID# beginning in “AGLO”). This is about 50,000 Members. Agloco will then continue releasing the Viewbar to more and more Members in the order in which they signed up (again, all Members will be notified by email when their account is authorized for Viewbar download).
Multiple Users on One Viewbar: Multiple Members may use the same Viewbar on the same computer. Only one Viewbar download will be necessary as the Viewbar software will enable each Member to log in and log out using their AGLOCO Member ID# and password (obviously, only one Member ID# can be accumulating Viewbar hours at any one time).
Initial Launch for Windows: The initial Viewbar release will be for Windows Vista, XP, and 2000. Later, we will release Mac and Linux versions of the Viewbar. Until that occurs, Mac/Linux users can still log onto any supported Windows computer and accumulate their five hours. Hopefully, five hours a month (about 10 minutes a day on average) on a Windows-based computer can be manageable until the Mac version can be released.
Seamless Updates: The v1.0 Viewbar is purposely simplistic and minimalist, but it also comes equipped with an automatic self-updating feature. Once you download the Viewbar for the first time, your Viewbar will be seamlessly updated with new additions and features as they become available.
Revenue and Ad Deals: Agloco now have agreements with 17 ad networks. These agreements plus some direct advertising deals provide AGLOCO with thousands of advertisers with thousands of ads for the Viewbar software.
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