BritePic adds interactivity and ads to the photos on your website.
BritePic is free and easy to use.
If you’re an HTML coder, use BritePic instead of the
BritePic adds the following features to the images on your website:
Email this image
Link to this image
Embed this image (you still get the ad revenue, even if your pic is embedded elsewhere)
Zoom in and out (see demo)
Captions that slide out when you hover over the pic
Ads from Adbrite
Link the image to another URL
Subscribe to RSS
Rate this image (coming soon)
View gallery (coming soon)
Discuss this image (coming soon)
Accessibility features for visually impaired (coming soon)
And more…
BritePic also promises the following features soon:
Rate this image, View gallery, Discuss this image, Accessibility features for visually impaired and more…
The whole product is a total sucess if you ask me. AdBrite did it again, apart from offering the best banner/text ads service for publishers and advertisers with the recent new ways of advertising like britepic and adbrite invideo it's becoming a big player in the industry. And whats most important more ways for publishers to make money!
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