Sunday, September 23, 2012

LinkWorth Review

LinkWorth is a rather unique advertisement network, It was started in year 2002 and made its full public launch in October 2003.

Today LinkWorth is a strong company offering various advertisement metods to advertisers as well as various ways for publishers to earn. They offer link ads, link words, link posts, link BB, etc...
All these names stand for similar type advertising, for example link ads means placing a text link on the publishers website, geting a article writen for an advertiser and so on...
Now serving over (43,346) advertisements, through (22,591) Partner websites that have more than(227,627,435) actual pages!

Review: (1-10) 1-worst, 10-best
Customization 7/10
Ads variety 10/10
Geo locations 5/10
Revenue 5/10
Stability 10/10
Support 9/10
Payment 7/10
Overall score: 7.5

Rating explained:
Customization - Ability to customize ads look and ads served
Ads variety - number of different ads shown per site
Geo locations - Number of geographical locations covered by the the ads and ability to display ads on non US languages
Revenue - overall revenue from ads, by all means of earning(CPC, CPM, CPA, etc...)
Stability - ads uptime and time of impressions/revenue updates
Support - How quality and fast the support is by all means (email, phone, IM, etc...)
Payment - Flexibility in payment; meaning if you can choose the time/amount for/of money to be send to you ($10, $30, $50, $100, etc...). How fast(slow) is the payment recievement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site, hope to see more soon :p