Have you wanted to know how to make money online, searched google found hundred of sites that claim they will show you how to make money?
- Ofcourse you've been in this situation.
I want to clarify things a little about most of those websites or blogs. So nearly 90% of their articles and guides are pure nonsense. It is even funny to look at them beacose not only they post some ridiculous ideas and guids on making money but the funnier thing is there are people who bealive everything they are posting.
For example they have these strange ideas on making money on e-bay, with e-books, videos and similar things. This is all to put it simple false.
The best ways to make money are through advertising networks like AdSense, Adbrite, Bidvertiser and the rest of the advertising networks. Making money yourself and dealing with hundreds of advertisers, ADS, articles and all that stuff is impossible.
Second thing is even with the best advertising networks it's not easy to make money. The biggest issue is having large enough traffic and quality enough traffic. One thing is having a visitor spending less than one minute on your website or blog and other thing is visitor who is interested with your website or blog content! The issue with traffic itself can be spread to couple of categories by itself. Some of those categories are having a good website or blog with interesting or at least simple enough design, other thing is having good content on your website or blog, another thing is geting the people to come to your website or blog and so on...
When you put everything together you have a though and long way to go.
So you need to make your website look good, increase your search engine results, post good articles on your website as well as knowing how to do all of this.
So now you know what it takes and you need to do all of these things step-by-step. So thats why you need to look for articles and guides that explain all those things step-by-step and ignore some crazy ideas posted only to fullfil their daily quota of number of articles!
You could start by looking at my articles "Guide to making money online" and steadly going through rest of the articles.
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