Sunday, May 5, 2019

Optimizing your website for search engine results

I have posted various methods, programs, tools, tips and tricks how to optimize your website for better search engine results. Now i will write down the best of the best.

1. Do it manually.
While various programs will help you optimize one part it will make other parts worse.
Top things search engines look for is domain name.
For example if you are going to have flash games content on your website register your domain with flash games in it.

2. Name the html page with the most important words.
Example: For example the second page of your website is a category with t-shirts so you name the page tshirts or t-shirts.
your full link:

3. The title of the page must describe your MAIN website content as best as it can.
Example: you sell t-shirts, so in your website as title you should put :"selling quality t-shirts :: Mycompany".

4. Page-rank
The better the page rank the better the search engine rankings. Also the older you site is it will have slightly better search engine results but with one condition and that is your website content to be updated with fresh content at least monthly.

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